
Friday, May 30, 2014

Cover Reveal: The Ghost Files Vol. 3 (Apryl Baker)


The Ghost Files Volume 3 By Apryl Baker Summary from Goodreads:

One, two, the ghosts are coming for you… 
 Three, four, better salt your door… 
 Five, six, death and hatred mix… 
 Seven, eight, help will come too late… 
 Nine, ten, never reap again…

Seventeen year old, Mattie Hathaway, has enough on her plate without having to deal with the latest teenage ghost drama. The ghosts of eight murdered girls are out for her blood. They blame Mattie for their deaths. She has to figure out what happened to them before they make sure she ends up just like them…dead and angry. Not only that, but she has to face the greatest fear of her young life, the death of someone she loves. Can she let nature take its course or will she interfere and cause the balance of life and death to spiral out of control? She’s out of time, and doesn’t know if she should trust Silas, the demon who has taken a very disturbing interest in her or her father, a man just as evil as Silas. Either way, she has to make a choice. But what will it cost her and those she loves?

Coming June 10, 2014 From Limitless Publishing
The Ghost Files Series: Soon to be a major motion picture!!

Make sure to enter to win an electronic copy of The Ghost Files!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Review: Broken (by Izzibella Beau)

Ayma Kuntz has been cursed with a rather unfortunate name, one that has haunted her through middle and high school years. Her overly controlling mother and absent father certainly don't make her life any easier. Her small group of friends are her only real support system, and what they can do is limited because Ayma doesn't let them see much of what really goes on in her life.

The beginning of this novel had a rough start for me. There was a lot of exposition that "told" the reader what was happening, and the teenage voice was almost too realistic in the beginning, where it almost felt like  stream of consciousness writing. However, after the initial introduction, I felt like the voice became stronger and I was able to get into Ayma's head a little better and experience the story with her rather than just watch it from the sidelines.

While some of the characters seem stereotypical at first, Beau does a good job of fleshing them out as the story progresses and making them come alive. Ayma is a very broken young woman who is struggling to pull her life together and survive some rather traumatic experiences, but Colton is just as strong of a character with his own demons to face. Even with a bit of a slow start, I found myself really enjoying the characters and being eager to know what was going to happen next in this story.

There is a good deal of profanity in the book, so it's not for younger readers. There are also several sex scenes, although they weren't overly descriptive and focused more on the emotional aspects. I would limit this recommendation to older teens and adults.

You can fin Broken Book 1 in the Assumption Series on Amazon.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Five FREE Books!

We're coming up on summer, so start reading! 

I'll be sharing my official summer reading list recommendations in the next few weeks (There are some awesome books on it!), but until then, you're more than welcome to grab one of these FREEBIES and share them with your friends. All of them. Seriously. 

Not sure where to get them? 

Well, here are the links!


(working on Kindle, they're slow. Right now it's only .99)


Escaping Fate

Wattpad (full book will be up this month)

Wicked Hunger

Twin Souls

Happy reading everyone!

Saturday, May 24, 2014

New Book: Under the Almond Trees (Linda Ulleseit)

Looking for a new historical fiction novel? Check out Linda Ulleseit's new novel "Under the Almond Trees!"

Under the Almond Trees is the story of my family – three ordinary women in California who lived extraordinary lives. 

It started with a falling tree branch that killed Ellen VanValkenburgh’s husband in 1862, forcing her to assume leadership of his paper mill, something women weren’t allowed to do. Women weren’t allowed to vote yet, either. Ellen decided that had to change, and became a suffragette. 

In 1901, Emily Williams , Ellen’s daughter-in-law, became an architect – very much against her family’s wishes. No one would hire a woman, but Emily would not be deterred. She and her life partner Lillian set out to build homes themselves. 

By the 1930’s women enjoyed more freedom, including the vote. Even so, Ellen’s granddaughter Eva VanValkenburgh chose a traditional life of marriage and children, even closing her photography business at her husband’s insistence. When he later refused to pay for their daughter’s college education, Eva followed the example of her Aunt Emily and reopened her photography business. 

I am proud to call these women family and honored to share their story.

Under the Almond Trees in Available now from 

Follow Linda Ulleseit on

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Review: Blind Rage (T. Hammond)

The last year of Teresa's life has been more than the word "difficult" can even begin to cover. Blinded in a freak accident, attacked in her own home, betrayed by the man she loved... that's the end of it, right? Teresa's luck is not that good. While anticipating David's return and the close of their once strong relationship, Teresa must face new terrors, hoping that her friends can save her in time.

This is book 4 in the Team Red series, and it has been a crazy ride up to this point! Everything Teresa has faced already makes your heart break to think she's in for more danger, but it also makes it impossible to put this book down.

I had already grown to love the characters in this series, so dropping right back into their lives was no issue at all. From the first page, though, the anxiety surrounding talk of David's return grabs readers attention. He is, after all, the one who broke Teresa's heart despite seeming like the perfect guy. Teresa is a better woman than me, because she has agreed not only to David's return to her home, but also his wife (yes, wife) who is dying of cancer, and his son coming to live in her house as well. Suffice it to say, there's enough awkward tension to go around.

David's arrival, however, is not the main focus of the book, which I was a little surprised by. I thought the majority of the story would deal with both Teresa and David's reactions to being in the same house and trying to deal with Marcia's final days. It actually only comprises about the last quarter of the book. I would have liked to have seen Teresa interact with Marcia and Wes (David's son) a little more and see that dynamic, but I expect that may be something we'll see more of in book 5.

The main storyline of the book centers around the protection of Bas and David's business and Wild Horse Security's increasing involvement, and how the top secret nature of the work puts Teresa in a very terrifying situation. I don't want to give away spoilers, so I'll just sum up my comments on this storyline by saying it was well crafted, highly anxiety-ridden, and kept me turning pages as fast as I could. And Bas... it's awesome to see him in action.

Now, I can't forget the romantic side of the story. I was a Bas fan from the beginning, and I was happy to see him finally get the chance he deserved with Teresa. Bas is a very complex character and watching him and Teresa test out the waters of a relationship was just as captivating as the action scenes. Because neither Teresa nor Bas want to begin a relationship until things are settled with David (and he doesn't show up until the end of the book), their relationship doesn't venture too far into the physical realm until the end. That doesn't mean there aren't plenty of steamy conversations previous to that to keep readers interested.

Normally, I don't comment much on the more intimate scenes in a book, but I have to say that when Bas and Teresa do take their relationship to the next level, it was very well done. I don't mean that in the sense of descriptions or such. The scene is fairly descriptive, so that along with the decent amount of language means it's obviously not for younger readers, but I felt like the focus was as much or more so on the emotional connection being forged between them. They had both been through so much, been scarred in more ways than one, and hurt by others they trusted that to see them both be made vulnerable, open, and honest was actually very touching.

Overall, I still love this series, and I will be waiting eagerly for the next book.

Grab a copy of Blind Rage and the other Team Red Books Today from

Connect with T. Hammond online at can also enter to win an awesome prize pack of Goodies from T. Hammond!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

It's time for a giveaway!

Want a chance to win a copy of my new book, Date Shark? 

Limitless Publishing thought you might ;) 

So, here's your chance! First check out a sneak peek at Eli and Leila's story, not to mention the beautiful cover art, then scroll down and enter the giveaway on the Rafflecopt widget. 

Last step...share the giveaway with your friends!


Life as the marketing director for a popular fashion boutique is overwhelming for Leila Sparrow, to say the least.

She's not sure what ever possessed her to add revamping her dating life to her already hectic schedule. Calling in renowned Date Shark, Eli Walsh seemed like a good idea until she actually met with him...

Date Shark was only meant to be a side-enterprise to his thriving couple's therapy practice, but Eli Walsh knows it's become more of an obsession.

At least, it was until he agreed to take on Leila. Somehow she has stolen his entire focus. He wants to admit his fascination with her and growing romantic interest, but he knows coming on too strong will scare her away.

His plan to convince her that she is worth any man's interest by first being her friend is challenged when his tips start to pay off and Leila begins dating Luke.

Will his friendship with Leila mean the end to any romantic pursuit?


Despite the fact that Eli held his arm out for Leila to take again like they were some kind of fairytale couple, she started forward without him. Pierce was there to open the door for her. Leila gave him a polite goodbye, careful to watch the inclined entrance as she left. The city air outside the restaurant was undoubtedly filled with pollution and ick, but she breathed it in anyway. She had such high hopes for tonight. All she wanted to do now was climb into bed and pretend she didn’t have to meet with Eli the next day. 

“Where did you park?” Eli asked. 

He was smart to guess Leila hadn’t used the valet. She had never been to a restaurant that had a valet, so she hadn’t been sure how it worked. Every once in a while Leila thought ahead and prevented herself from doing something stupid. “I’m three blocks down. I couldn’t find a space near the restaurant.” 

“North or south?” 

“Um, south,” she said, glancing that direction then back at Eli. It must have rained while they were inside. Leila wasn’t too worried about her shoes, but she worried Eli’s monkstrap dress shoes and tailored slacks might not survive the trek. The crisp April air made the dampness even more profound. “Look, Eli, you’re sweet to offer to walk me to my car, but I know you have better things to do. You don’t need to feel obligated since …” 

“Since this isn’t a real date?” he finished. 

Leila nodded.

“Real date or not,” Eli said, placing her hand on his arm, “I have no intention of letting a young woman walk three city blocks at night all alone. Lead the way, Leila.” 

He was really only offering because his sense of chivalry was several notches higher than the majority of the male gender, but Leila still found herself smiling at his kindness. She clutched onto his arm a little more tightly and started forward. The three blocks passed quickly, but without incident. Leila was sure it was the nicest part of the whole night. 

When they reached her car, Eli said, “Are you still all right meeting for lunch tomorrow?” 

“Yes,” she said after a moment’s hesitation. 

“Good. I will see you tomorrow at The Fifth Street CafĂ©. Twelve o’clock.” 

“I’ll be there,” Leila said, even though she would rather be just about anywhere else. 

Smiling as though he knew exactly what she was thinking, Eli opened the car door for her. Before she could get in Eli stopped her. His hand resting lightly on her shoulder made Leila’s tense muscles bunch up even more. “Hey,” he said, “relax. Go home and do something just for you. You should feel good, proud of yourself.” 

“Why?” Had they been on different fake dates tonight? 

“Because if nothing else, you just survived a night with the most notorious date shark in the city.” 

“Notorious, huh? Nothing about you strikes me as notorious.” Debonair, maybe. Handsome and generally fabulous. 

Eli laughed. “Goodnight, Leila Sparro.” Then he did something completely unexpected. He kissed Leila’s cheek and walked away. 

Leila slid into her car and touched her cheek. He must do that for everyone, she thought, but her skin seemed to pulse where he had kissed her. The only thing that broke up her amazement was Eli’s comment about tonight. She hadn’t survived the most notorious date shark in the city yet. Tomorrow she would get to hear about all the ways she screwed up. There was no way she was surviving that.

Psst, if you're one of those people who never win anything (like me), you can grab DATE SHARK for 0.99 right now on Kindle!! Hurry, I have no idea how long the sale will last :)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Friday, May 9, 2014

Cover Reveal: Date Shark (DelSheree Gladden)

When It Comes to Choosing Between Obsession and Passion, 

Some Lines are Meant to Be Crossed

Life as the marketing director for a popular fashion boutique is overwhelming for Leila Sparrow, to say the least. She’s not sure what ever possessed her to add revamping her dating life to her already hectic schedule. Calling in renowned Date Shark, Eli Walsh seemed like a good idea until she actually met with him. She isn’t supposed to be fantasizing about her dating coach. Leila knows he only sees her as a client, but when their business relationship becomes more of a friendship, it’s hard not to imagine what might be.

His Date Shark business was only meant to be a side-enterprise to his thriving couple’s therapy practice, but Eli Walsh knows it’s become more of an obsession. At least, it was until he agreed to take on Leila. Somehow she has stolen his entire focus. He wants to admit his fascination with her and growing romantic interest, but he knows coming on too strong will scare her away. His plan to convince her that she is worth any man’s interest by first being her friend is challenged when his tips start to pay off and Leila begins dating Luke. Will his friendship with Leila mean the end to any romantic pursuit? 

Date Shark will be released from Limitless Publishing on

May 13th, 2014!

In the mean time... Enter the giveaway below for a chance to win a $10 Amazon Gift Card and an ebook copy of Date Shark!

Friday, May 2, 2014

Cover Reveal: Blind Rage (T. Hammond)

Are you ready for more Teresa, Red, David, and... Bastian?

Gear up for the release of Blind Rage, book 4 in the Team Red Series, with a sneak peek at the cover art!

You can grab your copy of Blind Rage May 15th
Or add it to your Goodreads TBR list here! can enter to win some awesome Team Red books and other goodies by checking out the Rafflecopter giveaway below!

Blind Rage: Team Red, Book 4 -- BLURB:

Fifteen months ago, an accident left Teresa March scarred and completely blind. Having chosen David after a lively Siege to win her love, Teresa was stunned by his admission, and subsequent desertion, on Christmas Eve.

Bastian Declan, David’s business partner and Teresa’s childhood friend, has loved Teresa for years. He wastes no time seizing this new opportunity to finally win her heart.

While David is stuck in Boston hoping to resolve the conflict and restore his relationship with Teresa, PreClan’s top-secret surveillance system is at a critical stage. Tension is high, and the house is full of very capable guards, after another foiled attempt to steal the technology. Teresa, vacillating between hurt at David’s deception, and wonder at Bastian’s potential, doesn’t fully appreciate the danger.

Teresa’s service dog, Red, is smart, opinionated, handsome, and can talk. Well, at least to Teresa anyway. Understandably excited by all the activity, will his vigilance and unique bond with Teresa be enough to keep her safe?

BLIND RAGE picks up where Blind Faith (book three) left off. While Bastian patiently shows Teresa he can be the partner she needs, they both want closure regarding her relationship with David. Will Teresa choose to forgive David, or will she open herself up to the possibility of a more tumultuous love?


Blind Rage will have you gasping in shock, sad with empathy, and Laughing-Out-Loud (literally- some readers caution you should not eat or drink while reading, or you will be spewing food/liquids when you get to the funny parts... err, which make up a large portions of the book). This version of the series is INTENDED FOR MATURE ADULTS OVER 18. Contains graphic sexual content, and swearing, which is unfortunate as the dog repeats everything.



Smothering a yawn with the back of my hand, I reached for my coffee mug only to growl in irritation; it was just as empty as when I’d checked it fifteen minutes ago. I was still glaring at the cup in my hand when the back-passenger door opened beside me. My irritation must have still been evident, as Frost mumbled, “Uh, oh,” before slamming the door shut again.

A moment later, the opposite door cracked open, slowly. What? Was I a wild beast he felt he had to approach cautiously? The scent of coffee reached me before I registered Frost speaking. “Huh?”

He repeated, “Fritz’ coffee. Lukewarm. Takes it black, like you do. Left it unattended in t’ other vehicle. Fair game, right?”

I had no pride, and without hesitation, reached for the pilfered coffee with a groan of appreciation. “You are now, officially, my favorite guard,” I said solemnly.

Frost snorted. “Yeah, ‘til the next guy commits a crime to place a cup in your shaking hands,” he laughed. I sighed, wanting to protest but it was probably true. “Ole Rin Tin Tin there’s jus’ ‘bout done hamming for Russ. Prob’ly five minutes ‘til show time. Gonna tell me what’s really goin’ on?”

Bas and I had a pretty good idea Frost suspected Red and I had additional shared abilities. He didn’t talk much, but he was very observant. “You’re right. There’s more to this thing between Red and me; but truly Frost, you won’t believe it unless we show you.”

Frost was silent for only a moment, before he answered, “Believe, if you told me.”

I weighed his words, and decided he’d already committed misdemeanor coffee theft for me, that alone was deserving of a show of faith...


My Amazon Author page:
My Twitter: @hammond_tina

Blind Version, adult series"
Blind Seduction (1)
Color Blind (2)
Blind Faith (3)
Blind Rage (4)

Red version, PG series
Red Rover (1)
Red Zone (2)
Seeing Red (3, coming soon)

Blind Seduction (Book 1):
In Love with Teresa March (Novella 1.5):
Color Blind (Book 2):

Red Rover (Book 1, of New Adult version):
Red Zone (Book 2, of New Adult version):
Seeing Red (Book 3, of New Adult Version):  (Coming soon)