
Thursday, September 6, 2012

Favorites: Believing in Horses

One aspect of this book that really impressed me was the way Valerie introduced the reader to the world of horses. She uses technical terms that anyone familiar with horses would understand, but she knew that not every child reading her book would be as well versed. 

Any time Valerie used a technical term, she briefly explained the meaning behind it. Sometimes she used Sadie's own inexperience to do this, and other times Sadie was explaining the term to someone else. This helped to make sure readers knew what was going on without getting an in-depth lesson in horse care. 

This book had a great mix of stepping into the world of horses for the first time and feeling at home in the stables. No one will feel out of place following Sadie around on her adventure.

Believing in Horses is available now through Valerie's website as well as Amazon

You can also enter to win a paperback copy of Believing in Horses by leaving a comment this week or following Valerie Ormond on Facebook or Twitter. Don't forget to click on the Rafflecopter button to make sure your entry is counted. 

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