
Thursday, September 20, 2012

Favorites: Trust No One

I really enjoy a good action/adventure story, whether it be book or movie. I loved the original Mission:Impossible, and I'm even a James Bond fan, although I haven't loved the new ones as much as the classics. So, I was excited to get a copy of Trust None One to review. The cover definitely hints at dangerous and exciting, doesn't it?

One of my favorite aspects of this book was one I really didn't expect. I love the gadgets that come with spies. I love the superhero-esque qualities they all possess. So when I realized the main character, Taylor, had neither gadgets, nor special abilities, you might think I was disappointed. 

Actually, it was quite the opposite. 

Reading about a regular woman being very abruptly dropped into a world of espionage and danger with nothing to fall back on was quite interesting. I was often left wondering how she would get out of a situation without the typical Bond-type scenes. It was a rather unique twist on the genre. 

Trust No One is available now from amazon and Barnes and Noble.

You can also enter to win a signed paperback copy of Trust No One by leaving a comment and clicking the Rafflecopter button below!

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