
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Introducing: Lorrie Kruse

Let's get to know more about Lorrie Kruse, and don't forget to come back tomorrow for my interview with Lorrie where you'll have the chance to learn more about her debut novel, A life Worth Living

"Lorrie Kruse has always been drawn to books. She remembers the excitement when the Scholastic book pamphlets were handed out way back in grade school. She immediately started circling all of the books she wanted. Little did she know that one day she would write her own book. Being a creative person, it s only natural that her creativity would creep out in the form of writing. 

Lorrie's reading interests have shifted over the years. Once she hit the teen years and moved past kids stories, she moved on to horror stories. (Three cheers to Stephen King s wife for pulling his manuscript out of the garbage.) She s also been a fan of romance, medical mysteries, and suspense. Some of her favorite authors are Janet Evanovich, Robert Crais, Harlan Coben, Jane Porter, and John Sandford. 

Lorrie is many things besides a writer. By day she s a legal secretary (not to be confused with the illegal secretary of her evening hours). She s a wife (to a wonderful prince of a husband, Brian) and a mom (to a non-furry two-legged critter (Tyler) and a very furry four-legged critter (Token, an Alaskan husky)). Lorrie rarely sits idle. If she s not doing one of the aforementioned activities, then she s probably making jewelry or crocheting another pair of socks (much to the dismay of her hubby who says why don t you just buy socks at Walmart).

 And, if there s a wayward teddy bear in need of a home, Lorrie s your go-to-gal, as long as that bear doesn t mind living in a log home in the country in often-chilly central Wisconsin. Lorrie hopes you ve enjoyed reading this book. She would love to hear from you. Her website is: or email her at"

You can get to know more about Lorrie and her books on her website

A Life Worth Living is available now from Amazon and Barnes and Noble

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