
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Introducing: John Campbell

Writing a single story that encompasses 90 years is a monumental task. Learn more about the writer behind this love story that spans almost a century. 

"John B Campbell has lived his life along the shores of Lake Michigan, from Chicago's northern suburbs to the Wisconsin home where he and his wife Pamela reside. Educated at Lake Forest College and Illinois Wesleyan University, he also studied privately with Larry Combs, long-time principal clarinetist with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra. As a musician, John has performed in such foreign cities as Moscow, Amsterdam, Paris and London, developing an interest in history and writing along the way. Walk to Paradise Garden is his first novel. He and Pamela enjoy volunteer teaching, hiking at national parks, kayaking and opera. Both are avid readers."

You can connect with John on his blog

Walk to Paradise Garden is available from Amazon and Kindle

You can also enter to win an ebook copy of Walk To Paradise Garden by leaving a comment and clicking the Rafflecopter button below. 

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