
Monday, September 24, 2012

New Book: Walk to Paradise Garden

Walk to Paradise Garden is categorized under historical fiction, but really it spans 90 years! Follow the Armitage's journey from a British medical outpost in the midst of war to a philanthropic mission that encompasses the world. 

"The world goes mad in 1914. And in the chaos, on the blood-soaked fields of the Ypres Salient, young humanitarian John Armitage meets a British nurse, Evelyne Grenville, a lady with admirable courage and a secret. Could they possibly make a difference, offering solace at the Western Front? Will Evelyne's secret life bring calamity on them both?

Their ensuing philanthropic life course encounters joy, forgiveness, horrific tragedy and a special-needs boy who shows the way to recovery.

It's a ninety-year journey for the Armitages. It's a Walk to Paradise Garden."

Walk to Paradise Garden is available from Amazon and Kindle

You can also enter to win an ebook copy of Walk To Paradise Garden by leaving a comment and clicking the Rafflecopter button below. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. This looks very interesting. Can't wait to know more.

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Maggie! This book is a little different from your typical love story, but very interesting. Hop over to the interview to find out more!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
