Sunday, January 22, 2012

A question of Avatars

In The Apocalypse Gene, Mikah and Olivya create avatars that look exactly like themselves. They use these avatars to go to virtual school, do virtual shopping and hanging out, and fulfill other aspects of daily life that no longer exists offline in their world. This provoked an interesting question for me. If the majority of daily interactions with other people only existed in a virtual setting, would people create avatars that really looked like themselves in a effort to show people who they really are, or would the desire to become who you want to be-or someone you think is better-win out in the end? Leave a comment and tell me what you would do...


  1. I'm sure I'd have an ageless avatar. But apart from avoiding getting old, I'd probably create an avatar that looks more or less like me.

    Though as long as we're waxing philosophical, I'd also say I'd prefer never to live as an avatar in a virtual world. I found this a fascinating aspect of Michelle & Clark's novel, and have seen it really well done in other sci fi works, such as Chris McKitterick's TRANSCENDENCE. But it's the type of reality I read about and think, "Wow. I hope I never end up in a place like that..."

  2. I think I'm with you, Karen. In a world that was so impersonal, I think I would want someone to know what I really looked like. But i'd definitely make my avatar look like me at my cutest!
